Tuesday, March 16, 2010

LEGO My List of LEGO

No, I don't know why there's a big gap here, scroll down a bit...

NumberThemeSet Name
5969Space PoliceSquidman Escape
5971Space PoliceGold Heist
5972Space PoliceContainer Heist
5974Space PoliceGalactic Enforcer
7239CityFire Truck
7281CityT-Junction & Curved Road Plates
7669Star WarsAnakin's Jedi Starfighter
7670Star WarsHailfire Droid & Spider Droid
7671Star WarsAT-AP Walker
7673Star WarsMagnaGuard Starfighter
7674Star WarsV-19 Torrent
7675Star WarsAT-TE Walker
7676Star WarsRepublic Attack Gunship
7679Star WarsRepublic Fighter Tank
7680Star WarsThe Twilight
7681Star WarsSeparatist Spider Droid
7723CityPolice Pontoon Plane
7734CityCargo Plane
7741CityPolice Helicopter
7743CityPolice Command Centre
7744CityPolice Headquarters
7748Star WarsCorporate Alliance Tank Droid
7773Aqua RaidersTiger Shark Attack
8014Star WarsClone Walker Battle Pack
8015Star WarsAssassin Droids Battle Pack
8016Star WarsHyena Droid Bomber
8018Star WarsArmored Assault Tank (AAT)
8019Star WarsRepublic Attack Shuttle
8031Star WarsV-19 Torrent
8036Star WarsSeparatists Shuttle
8083Star WarsRebel Trooper Battle Pack
8086Star WarsDroid Tri-Fighter
8188Power MinersFire Blaster
8189Power MinersMagma Mech
8398CityBBQ Stand
8708Power MinersCave Crusher
8956Power MinersStone Chopper
8957Power MinersMine Mech
8958Power MinersGranite Grinder
8960Power MinersThunder Driller
8961Power MinersCrystal Sweeper
8964Power MinersTitanium Command Rig

We sure have a lot of LEGO at our house, and we acquire more on a regular basis. Just as a public service to those who might want to get us even more LEGO, I thought I'd post a current list of the LEGO sets that the younger member of the family has.

This list of course does not include the generic buckets of bricks or any of the Duplo sets he has, or any of my own sets still mostly stuck in boxes in storage. They'll come out some day to play, I'm sure.


Lucy van Pelt said...

That's a LOT of LEGO.

boisegrammy said...

You were reading my mind. I was wondering what the lad might want for his b'day and legos came to mind. Now I know which ones he (you) have.

Colin R. said...

For some reason I thought you (Grammy) were getting him a Klutz book with foam rockets in it. I'm sure he'd still like that.